Well with no surf in site, we are enjoying the summer. The kids are on a big survival kick. With so many shows on television right now, Survive This, Survivorman, Man Vs. Wild, the kids have a great interest in some survival techniques. So this summer has been all about exploring the bush and how to survive.
Out at camp we have been exploring islands nearby. On one such island, we started to construct an A Frame shelter. (well in this photo it is half of an A Frame) The kids helped to aquire logs and other material to construct said structure.

Also, on the adgenda is wild edibles and as many ways to start a fire as one can dream up. It is important to be able to start a fire without the usual use of matches or a lighter. We have been experimenting with flint sticks, magnifying glass, steel wool and batteries, fire bow to name a few. Here my daughter is starting a fire using only a spark from a flint stick and some steel wool. The beauty of a flint stick is that is will work when wet. I always keep one in my pocket.