The phone call comes in around 9:30pm Thursday night. Winston says its on for a dawn patrol this morning. He is stoked to try out his new fish. Friday morning a brisk -22c, Winston and Eric show up around 7:30am ready to catch some waves. Check the stats on the computer and it does not look promising. Pack up an leave anyway, you never know what the waves are actually doing. Smoke lingers across the highway from a single lonel
y wood burning stove, a clear sign of no wind. Driving to the usual spot, the lake is calm. If anything, its going to be clean, it might be a foot high but its going to be clean. As we approach the the point we can see multiple lines of clean peeling surf, we are pumped! The temerature has gone up to a balmy -16c, sweet. The waves were clean, waist to chest high and the air was crisp. Surfed for a stead
y three and a half hours, took some pics, shot some footage for my video, stoked all around.

good pictures.
I am using a Canon 20d for all of my shots. It's awsome.
very nice dude
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