Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Midnight run

Went out to do a mindnight run for smelts Friday night. Brought Aidan with us, he was pretty excited. When we arrived at the river it was like a circus. I don't think I have ever seen that many people out for smelts at one time. It was a finely synchronized motion with both side lined with people. Dip, sweep, lift...Dip, sweep, lift. We caught around 60 or so, which was not bad considering the gauntlet they had to run just to get to where we were. Arrived home at 1:30am with two soakers, a tired boy and smiles on our faces.


Darren said...

We went out Friday night too. Left my house at 10:30, got home 11:00 with all I needed. Best smelting I've seen in years. We were at McVicar's creek, where did you go?

John Roland said...

We ended up there at about 11:30. We went to McVicar's creek as well. Never seen so many people out. Had a good time though.